Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Colorful Butterflies

I thought I would show you a cute craft that we did last week to welcome in spring. This kept my kids occupied for about an hour (and I enjoyed doing them too)!The supplies you will need are - coffee filters - markers - spray bottle with water - twisty ties or string.

Color one coffee filter with markers, making sure to cover most of the surface. Get creative and make pretty designs, but limit your colors. Too many different colors may lead to a brown butterfly.

Spray the filter with water until you see the colors blending. Hang or lay flat to dry.

After the filters are dry, pinch the middle together and tie off with a twisty tie. You can put two together or just use one. You can also use pipe cleaners and make flowers with these as well.

Happy coloring!


gina said...

how pretty! We are so doing this...Thanks, Jena. I logged on today to scold you for not having done a post in a while. I needed more! But you gave the readers what they wanted. Bravo! Instead of a scolding, you get my accolades.

jena said...

Thanks for not scolding me! You know with 3 kids 3 and under I am just sitting at home eating bon-bons ALL the time :) !

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the butterflies as well. I did this when I taught pre-school, but I have to say that I don't trust my own children as much as I did my students. Maybe I have just gotten to old:) I guess I should just step out by faith.

gina said...

I'll save my scolding for another time. In the meantime...I think I'll have some bon bons myself.

Ken, Diana, Daniel, Maria, Christina said...

Very Cool!
Ken & Diana